Who We Are
EWB-UH Mission Statement
"Committed to developing and empowering leaders to engineer sustainable solutions to support underserved communities, in the City of Houston and internationally"
Engineers Without Borders – USA at the University of Houston (EWB-UH) is a student- run organization that ”supports community-driven development programs worldwide through the design and implementation of sustainable engineering projects, while fostering responsible leadership” (www.ewb-usa.org). Our focus is to implement practical and sustainable solutions with communities in need, while allowing our members to enhance their technical and non-technical skills through a unique educational experience.

EWB-UH is a project oriented organization that attracts capable and hardworking students of all backgrounds and disciplines. On the chapter level, we are currently working on two projects in Nicaragua. The first project involved building a school house in Telpochapa and is currently in the monitoring phase. The second project involves building a water distribution system in Valerio and is currently in the planning phase. On the national level, these chapter has partnered with a professional chapter in order to construct a leaf eliminator system throughout Peru. A number of our members were also able to attend the EWB National Conference this past year. Our chapter has a presence around the globe.